Peace Keeping Operations : Cameroon, Major Actor

Protecting the territorial integrity of members States remains a priority.

Over the years, Cameroon has made modest contributions to the peace keeping operations at the national and regional levels. Efforts are constantly improved, faced with the upsurge of contemporary security challenges. Through the Ministry of Defence, staff are always deployed to crisis areas for peace keeping operations. Cameroon is equally host to several institutions that promote peace such as the International School for Security Forces (EIFORCES), the International War College, the regional office of the International Criminal Police Commission (INTERPOL) and the Central African Police Chiefs’ Committee (CAPCCO). Cameroon also participates in sending military contingents within the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission (MINUSCA) for the protection of citizens in the Central African Republic. Current statistics indicate that Cameroon sends the highest number of peace keepers to the partly social unstable country. The signing of a decree by the President of the Republic, Paul Biya on September 4, 2023 creating a Centre for peace keeping operations in Motcheboum, East Region, adds to the list of various efforts in promoting global peace. The Centre will prepare national and foreign contingents of Cameroon in different peace operations. 
The objective is to ensure a progressive return to normalcy in the two affected regions of the country has been visible. The same scenario obtains in the Far North Region, where, together with Nigerian military officers, Cameroon works at eliminating Boko Haram insurgencies. There is also the National Committee for Disarmament, Demobilisation and the Reintegration of Ex-fighters, which partners with other actors for a better outcome. 
Within the Gulf of Guinea, President Paul Biya on December 27, 2023 signed a decree p...


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