Ils prônent plutôt le recours au dialogue

 HRH S.A.M Angwafor: “Dialogue Is Better Than Silence”

Fon of Mankon

“It was all quiet in Mankon yesterday after the events of Sunday, October 1,  2017. I spent the day at home with my family and we are waiting for the government’s reaction. It is important to dialogue. It is better to discuss or dialogue and emerge with nothing than silence. I believe that he Head of State will react to the October 1st happenings.”


Zondol Hersesse: « Non à la violence et oui  à la paix et au dialogue »

Député RDPC

« Nous venons d’organiser un meeting de mobilisation de tous nos militants pour la paix et la promotion de l’unité nationale face à certains de nos compatriotes qui ont voulu récupérer les revendications des avocats et des enseignants à des fins politiques ; jusqu’à oser demander la partition de notre pays. Nous sommes fiers que nos militants aient massivement répondu à notre appel. Nous leur avons dit d’être vigilants et mobilisés pour relever les défis socio-économiques et développer notre pays. Nous disons Non aux violences et Oui à la paix et au dialogue ».


His Majesty Fon Chafah XI: “Dialogue Will Lead To A Compromise”

“By engaging in dialogue, a compromise will be arrived at which will be encouraging to all the concerned parties. If dialogue is given the rightful place, lasting solutions to the crisis will be found given that all the parties will come to a compromise on the table. For one thing, dialogue is known for finding solutions to problems without any physical damage. Violence, rebellion and or keeping children away from school will in no way solve the problem. It is very detrimental for a country to have an uneducated population at certain levels.”


 Jean-Jacques Lengue Malapa: « La violence n’apporte rien »

Président RDPC de la section Wouri I

« Quelles que soient les motivations des uns et des autres, la violence n’apporte rien à notre développement économique, à notre émergence. Nous préconisons plutôt le dialogue et nous devons tout faire pour préserver la paix. De plus, le Sud-Ouest a une particularité Sawa de par notre histoire et nous n’avons pas ce genre de comportement quand nous voulons revendiquer quelque chose. Nous voulons les appeler à davantage de raison non seulement afin que nous élaborions ensemble ce dialogue tant souhaité par les institutions de la république, mais aussi pour les protéger. »


 HRH Forbuzie Martin: “Challenge Of Dialogue Stares Us”

Fon  of Chomba

“Calm reigns in my kingdom after the day  of October 1st when protesters marched to my palace. I talked to them and  they retired and I think the way forward is dialogue. I think the U.N statement on the situation  ahead of October 1st was very explicit. Cameroonians have been deceived enough and it is unfortunate that our intellectuals who should have been analyzing, educating and clarifying things, rather accept virtually everything churned out on Facebook from the diaspora. The situation still carries a lot of questions but dialogue is the way forward. The question I ask is, if the President of the Republic takes the challenge to dialogue, will Anglophones be ready ? . Who will dialogue for them? Will it be only Anglophones in the Diaspora, Anglophones at home or a blend of  both ?”


 Prof. Willibroad Dze-Ngwa:  “Dialogue Is Necessary  For Crisis Management”

Historian and Political Scientist

“Every crisis in the world has ended with dialogue due to the important role dialogue plays in the management of crisis. The government should as a matter of principle engage in a meaningful dialogue during which concrete solutions towards addressing the current stalemate would be arrived at. The dialogue should by all means be free of emotions and should not contain the characteristics of arrogance from either parties. In addition, those in attendance should keep aside political affiliations and dialogue on the platform of Cameroonians of  goodwill.  By so doing, appropriate solutions for the crisis will be reached.”


Professor Ernest Molua: “I Disagree With The Use  Of Streets To Seek Redress”

University of Buea

“Unfortunately, the lack of political awareness and the absence of true representation by politicians have made Cameroonians regularly fail to exploit the avenues available within the constitution and the institutions to seek for a redress of their rights. This absence of both political and civic consciousness has given way to the using of unconstitutional and jungle-justice approaches to seek redress. In developed countries, lobbyists and political advocates fill this lacunae and lobby administrative authorities to generate gains for aggrieved citizens to improve on their wellbeing. I disagree with the use of street (thuggery) to seek for a redress of political issues. There is need for us to demonstrate some maturity and for the politicians both in the ruling party and in the opposition to exploit avenues available in our institutions to seek solutions on the burning issues raised by the Anglophone population.”


Me Joseph Lavoisier Tsapy: « Le dialogue demeure la solution de sortie de crise »


« Le dialogue demeure la solution de sortie de crise. Je suis content et plein d’espoir. Je pense que toutes les parties, même les plus dures demandent qu’il y ait un dialogue; qu’on désigne les représentants d’accord partie, tant dans la partie anglophone que dans la partie francophone. Il y aura apaisement. Je pense mê...



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