No Renege On The Law

Some interurban transport companies in the country are on the firing line for toying with human life by violating the legislation regulating the sector. As a matter of fact, a communique of the Minister of Transport takes the public aback on that scores of transport agencies have been functioning in illegality. This is an outcome of a survey carried out in the capital city, Yaounde.
The communiqué publishing the names of the defaulting companies and the one month period of grace given them to measure up to the laws of the land or face the music went viral, especially on social media yesterday.  Many have not stopped wondering how such companies, some of them renowned, could have been left to function without possessing the necessary administrative papers. While some school of thought simply brush the previous functioning as a sign of anarchy borne out of inertia, others qualify it to the unenviable administrative tolerance which should have otherwise encouraged the business people to regularise their situations rather than take the leniency for weakness.
Irrespective of whatever reading each observer gives to the Minister’s outing, the bottom line is that laws have been flouted. Regrettably so by people operating in a sector that deals with irreplaceable human lives. Apparently waking up from the slumber to sound the alarm bell is, to say the least, better late than never.  Come to think of the numerou...



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