Bureau Gives Instructions After Fire Outbreak

 Following is an announcement after the Bureau meeting of November 18, 2017.


“The bureau of the National Assembly met today 18 November 2017 at 10 am at the National Assembly, at the request of its chairperson.
The meeting was devoted to the examination of the situation resulting from the fire outbreak that occurred in the night of Thursday 16 November 2017.
The Bureau noted with satisfaction the sympathy shown to the National Assembly by senior state authorities, members of the diplomatic corps and the entire nation. The bureau also congratulated the National Fire Brigade for its timely and forceful intervention that led to the circumscription of the disaster.
After an exchange of views with Bureau members, a certain number of facts were noted:
-That the cause of the fire outbreak is still to be identified;
-That there is considerable material damage and an assessment thereof is ongoing.
At the end of the above observations, the Bureau took the following decisions:
-That the proceedings of the ongoing budgetary session will continue so that the state budget is adopted within the prescribed ...



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