National Assembly: November Session Continues

The Bureau of the House instructed remedial measures for work to resume in the ongoing November 2017 budgetary session today.


Scrutiny of bills in the Committee on Finance and Budget Committee as well as in the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly in the ongoing November 2017 ordinary session contained in the schedule of business initially scheduled for Friday, November 17, 2017 will rather take place today, Monday, November 20, 2017. Members of the Committee on Finance and Budget will meet at 10:00 a.m. while those of the Foreign Affairs Committee will meet at 3:00 p.m.
The fire outbreak of Thursday, November 16 night breaking November 17, 2017 that ravaged  the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh floors and partially consuming the third floor of the National Assembly Glass Palace has necessitated a lot of adjustments for the November budgetary session to hold within the 30 days provided for in the constitution. The Bureau of the National Assembly met on November 18, 2017 chaired by the House Speaker, Hon. Cavaye Yeguie Djibril and gave the Secretary General instructions on remedial measures. As one of the measures, pending the conclusions of the technical services on the functionality of the two committee rooms of the National Assembly, deliberations in committees and in plenary will be held in the  House Chamber which has not been touched by the fi...



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