State Control: Efficiency Platform Created

The platform entitled CONSUPE-CSO was created with Civil Society Organisations on November 16, 2017 following a partnership agreement protocol.

Within the framework of meeting up with the stipulations of international auditing standards, the Supreme State Control in partnership with Civil Society Organisations, CSOs, have created a platform for a better control of public funds.

The platform created after a partnership agreement on November 16, 2017 is a modernisation procedure to meet up with international standards of checking expenditure.

The agreement protocol in its first article places emphasis on its objective, saying a platform for exchange and cooperation between both parties for consultations to ensure that resources allocated accomplish their respective missions with effective strategies designed to safeguard public funds

Highlighting on the coalition motives, the Minister Delegate at the Presidency in Charge of Supreme State Control, Rose Mbah Acha, said the initiative falls within the 2020 management strategies of State control mechanisms that will foster accountability.

She said the Growth and Employment Strategy ...



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