National Assembly: Three Bills Presented

 The Ministers of External Relations, Trade and Transport defended the bills on November 20, 2017 before the Foreign Affairs Commission.

A total of three bills were presented before the Foreign Affairs Commission of the National Assembly on November 20, 2017 with the eldest member of Parliament, Hon. Enow Tanjong as Chair.

The bills were defended by the Minister Delegate at the Ministry of External Relations in Chrge of the Commonwealth, Joseph Dion Ngute, the Minister of Trade, Luc Magloire Mbarga Atangana, and Minister Delegate at the Ministry of Transport, Mefiro Oumarou, respectively.

The first to be defended was Bill N°1014/PJL/AN to authorise the President of the Republic to ratify the Protocol to the Constitutive Act of the African Union relating to the Pan-African Parliament, adopted in Malabo (Equatorial Guinea) on 27 June 2014.

The instrument seeks to modernise the African Union and give more powers to the Pan-African Parliament which is the legislative body of the outfit and currently headed by a Cameroonian, Hon. Nkodo Dang Roger.

The bill prioritises the promotion of peace, security and stability while gunning for better cooperation and development in Africa.

The second bill defended by Trade Minsiter was Bill N°1016/PJL/AN to authorise the President of the Republic to ratify the United Nations Convention on Transparency in Treaty-Based Investors-State Arbitration, (Mauritius Covention) adopted on 10 December 2014 in New York.

This bill will supplement the legal framework applicable in Cameroon on matters relating to international trade arbitration and investments. Its ratification would enable Cameroonian i...



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