North West: BUNEC Agency Goes Operational

Pioneer Regional Head, Nanjui Awunti commissioned to eradicate documentary fraud, enhance visibility for civil status system.

A new chapter is around for the Civil Status system in the North West region with a new operational instrument to enhance visibility and credibility.

In effect, the North West branch of the National Civil Status Registration Office (BUNEC), has gone operational with the Pioneer Regional Head, 49 year-old, Nanjui  Awunti  commissioned.

November 24, 2017 was a day for the outfit when stakeholders filed out in Bamenda to salute the creation of BUNEC, expected to inspire hope in the sector.

In the short and long of it, Nanjui  Awunti has the arduous task and privilege to give BUNEC visibility in its mission of  supervising, control, regulation and assessment of the Civil status  system.

Created on the strength of Law No. 2011/011 of May 6, 2011 and Ordinance No 81/02 of June 29, 1981, the Civil Status system ensures the collection, archiving and consolidation of data and documents related to Civil Status for the constitution of a national civil status system.

It is against this backdrop that the Pioneer North West Head of Agency, Nanjui Awunti  was challenged to rise  to the  occasion as a vital link in BUNEC’s mission to build a solid foundation for the protection of Cameroon’s nationality.




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