Commonwealth Local Government Forum: MINATD Minister Delegate Elected Vice Chair

Jules Doret Ndongo was elected during the 7th Commonwealth Local Government Forum Conference in Valletta, Malta.

The Minister Delegate at the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralisation (MINATD) in charge of Local and Regional Councils, Jules Doret Ndongo, has been elected to the office of Vice Chairperson of the Commonwealth Local Government Forum, CLGF. He was elected during the 7th CLGF which held in Malta from November 21st to 24th 2017.

Doret Ndongo was equally reelected as a board member and an executive committee member. The Minister Delegate led the Cameroonian delegation to the conference during which they participated in debates under the theme “Fit for the future: Resources and capacity for effective local government”.

It is expected that Doret Ndongo will continue to spearhead the promotion of local governance in the country. His presentation at the conference centered on many subjects such as fiscal decentralisation, local revenue generation, creating an enabling environment for cities, local government and partners to deliver sustainable development.<...



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