Revision of Electoral Register: Operations for 2018 Officially Launched Today

Following is a press release from Elections Cameroon.

“With a view to set operations for the revision of electoral registers for the year 2018 rolling, the Director General of Elections, Abdoulaye Babale, shall officially launch the said operations in the Yaounde Council Branches, on Wednesday, 3 January, 2018.

The revision of electoral registers concerns Cameroonians, aged 20 years and above, who satisfy the conditions laid down by the Electoral Code for enrolment on voter’s lists. The exercise equally concerns citizens of voting age who have not enrolled since the biometric recompilation in 2012.

Conversely, all citizers who have changed their place of residence or who wish to introduce justified modifications to their identify are invited to the enrolment stands mounted by all Elections Cameroon Council Branches, startin...



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