Star Building: Happy New Year To PM Yang

The ceremony took place on Monday, January 8, 2018.

The staff of the Prime Minister’s Office and those of institutions placed under the Prime Minister’s Office on Monday, January 8, 2018 presented New Year wishes to the Prime Minister, Head of Government, Philemon Yang.

The ceremony was brief, void of speeches but full of symbolism as it is the lone occasion in the year during which staff shake hands with and say Happy New Year to the Prime Minister. The Minister, Secretary General at the Prime Minister’s Office, Séraphin Magloire Fouda opened hand shakes and Happy New Year wishes event.

He led the staff of the Secretariat General in the ritual. Then followed the staff of the Prime Minister’s Cabinet, led by the Minister, Director of Cabinet, Professor Paul Ghogomu Mingo.

In the next phase of the event, officials and staff of seven institutions placed under the Prime Minister’s Office took turns to wish the Prime Minister Happy New Year 2018. The institutions included the National Communication Council, National Governance Programme, National Road Board and Permanent Secretariat of the Council for Regulation and Competitiveness.

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