2019 Total AFCON: CAF Takes Ocular View of Infrastructure

The team was accompanied round in Buea and Limbe by Governor Bernard Okalia Bilai.

The CAF inspection team to Cameroon headed by Ismael Wally spent two days (17- 18 January, 2018) in the South West Region inspecting hotels and football stadiums in Buea (regional capital) and Limbe (Fako Divisional headquarters).

On arrival in the Region on January 17, 2018, the team immediately held a working session behind closed doors at the Governor’s Office in Buea with local and visiting authorities among whom were Governor Bernard Okalia Bilai, Secretary General at the Ministry of Sports and Physical Education, Oumarou Tado, the Inspector General in the Ministry of Communication, Felix Zogo and security officials.

Tackling their work and avoiding the press, the inspection team split their committee into two. One group set out to observe the nature of hotels that will host the thousands of guests expected in Cameroon from more than 24 countries next year.

Among the hotels inspected were Buea-based State-owned hotels like Mountain Hotel and Parliamentarian Flats. They also inspected the Atlantic Beach Hotel in Limbe and proceeded to examine some private hotels in the locality. Notably, the last female AFCON pulled thousands of guests to the South West Region which harbours classy hotels with staff having been readily trained to receive international visitors in Buea and Limbe as well as surrounding towns like Kumba, Muyuka, Tiko and Mutengene.

Turning to the stadia that shall constitute the theatres of the Total AFCON event, the CAF inspection team went to the 20.000 seater Omnisports Stadium in Limbe that satisfac...



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