Missions abroad for Board Chairs, Administrators, Directors General and Deputy Directors General of State-owned companies and establishments.

 Circular n°002/PM/ of 26 February 2018.

The Prime Minister, Head of Government,

- Board Chairs of State-owned companies and establishments;
- Directors General and Deputy Directors General of State-owned companies and establishments.

The attention of the President of the Republic has been drawn several times to excesses on missions abroad by Board Chairs, Administrators, Directors General and Deputy Directors General of State-owned companies and establishments.

Added to the fact that some of these missions are undertaken without prior authorization from competent authorities, their added value to State-Owned companies and establishments is not always perceived.

Furthermore, expenses related to these missions abroad weigh heavily on the budget of the companies managed by you, whereas, in most cases these companies and establishments are faced with liquidity crises and difficulties to exercise public service which is their duty.

To rationalize missions and other travels abroad, and in compliance with the instructions of the Head of State on this issue:

1. For all official missions abroad by air, Board Chairs, Administrators, Directors General and Deputy Directors General of State-owned companies and establishments, shall travel in business class;

2. For State-owned companies and establishments under the technical supervision of the Presidency of the Republic, applications for exit authorisations shall be forwarded by Board Chairs to the Minister, Secretary General at the Pre...



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