Kribi Town-Port Site: Expressway 80 Per Cent Complete

The 38.5km double lane road will ease movement of goods from the port in Mboro to their final destinations, while construction of the Kribi-Edea expressway is in view.

Construction works on the expressway from Kribi to the port site in Mboro are far advanced. Officials put the level of physical execution of the 38.5km double lane road at 80 per cent when Cameroon Tribune visited on Friday March 2. The road which leaves the Kribi Deep Seaport in Mboro, will connect to the KribiEdea road in the locality of Bilolo in Kribi II municipality.

The road is being constructed with a 100km/h reference following Chinese codes and standards. According to the General Manager of the Kribi Port Authority, Patrice Melom there will be an astronomical rise in traffic at the port following the launch of commercial activities at the container terminal. Some 12 transit ships expected to make use of the Kribi deep seaport this March.

To better the country’s multimodal transport system, the road from the city of Kribi to the port site in Mboro had earlier been tarred to enable the free flow and evacuation of the first goods from the port. Meantime, the Ministry of Public Works has made indication that the Kribi-Edea road will be rehabilitated so it can handle traffic from the port.

Authorities of the Kribi port say for the time ...



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