2018 CBF: 64% Recommendations Executed

The Prime Minister and over 16 cabinet ministers were in Douala, March 12, for yet another edition of CBF.

The 2018 edition of Cameroon Business Forum comes at the hills of economic crisis caused mostly by insecurity in some regions in Cameroon including the Extreme North, North West and South West regions. Notwithstanding, the government, through Cameroon Business Forum is bent on lifting the obstacles that hinder the country’s economic growth.

Through the yearly public-private dialogue, 25 recommendations covering nine project reforms were adopted during the eighth forum that held on March 13, 2017.

Of the 25 recommendations, 16 have been executed making 64 per cent execution rate, six are being executed, and two are yet to kick off while one was reclassified. Going by the balance sheet of CBF, over 60 per cent of recommendations have been implemented so far.

Amongst the recommendations that are on a good footing are the putting in place of an online tracking system for building permit files in Douala, the operationalisation of the co-ownership regime, the launching of the chattel security database, the operationalisation of the 3rd gantry crane at the Douala Port, the operationalisation of the electronic signature and the operationalisation of the arbitration and mediation chamber of the CCIMA among others.

However, the drafting of building code, the preparation of a private sector platform strategic plan and the putting in place of SCADA distributions in Douala and Yaounde among others are still pending.
The ninth edition of CBF chaired by the Prime Minister, Head of Government; Philemon Yang, held on the theme: “Financing small and medium size enterprises and developing Cameroonian industrial base”.

During his opening speech, he mentioned that important decisions have been taken and implemented since the putting in place of the public-private dialogue including the reimbursement of VAT, the law on public contract and the operationalisation of the SME Bank among others.

“SMEs are an important source of employment, thus, their potential in terms of development has to be exploited and the barriers of financing their activities broken,” the Prime Minister said.However, he challenged SMEs to ameliorate their management in order to gain more confidence from funders and fin...



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