Buea: President Biya’s Victory Lights Up Supporters

Many remained clustered around their TV and radio sets throughout the proclamation of election results yesterday.

The evening of yesterday was longer than usual in Buea among the ruling CPDM spheres. Members in the capital of the South West Region, clustered in various homes in merry making following the proclamation of the October 7, 2018 presidential resultS which gathered a 71.28 per cent victory for incumbent President Paul Biya.

Although people remained indoors as usual on Mondays under the threat of invisible persons promoting ghost towns, TV and radio sets constituted the firesides of most grouping in homes.

A majority of people were all ears as the Constitutional Council discharged their 4 hours 20 minutes proclamation, tallying figures, words, phrases and sentences to tell the world the outcome of this year’s presidential consultation. Governor Bernard Okalia Bilai watched and listened to his office TV set throughout the solemn proclamation from start to finish.

Certainly he heaved a sigh of relief for the successful election process that undoubtedly whirled him in his security and administrative duties over the six geographical Divisions of the South West Region. As one of the two Anglophone regions that remained hostile to the election and given that voting finally happened here was a feather on the caps of administrators of the area.

In Limbe, ...



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