Lay Down Arms…

The nation hits the road this morning running. After an electoral process spanning through weeks, the swearing in ceremony of the President – elect yesterday triggered the beginning of a new mandate of greater opportunities. The turf appears familiar but the content and context, though challenging, ushers reassuring balms. In a landmark speech shortly after taking the «I do so swear»oath, President Paul Biya set the stage of a new electoral mandate, defined the contours and streamlined the context.

Structurally, it was precise, direct and focused. Vital aspects of national life were revisited and perspectives were eloquently unveiled. Like a package deal, the themes were succinctly interwoven to emphasise the collective resolve of a people to survive as an entity, to stay the course and hold the fort that re-enforces the tenets of a collective heritage.

Among the various themes that emerged from the swearing in ceremony address by the Head of State, was that pegged on peace and security. It was Franklin D. Roosevelt who reminded American compatriots in his days, the primary ramifications of peace. «Like charity » he said, «Peace begins at home».

The lexical range stretched by the Head of State yesterday at the swearing in ceremony was loaded with images of peace and security. They all ignite reflexes in favour of national progress. To graphically illustrate the importance of this theme President Paul Biya revisited the past mandate which clearly posed obvious challenges to the desired peace and security. The Boko Haram cowardly onslaughts into our territory that met with the patriotic response of the Defence Forces setting the terrorists organisation on its heels. Then came the negative forces in the North West and South West regions trying to take advantage of the demands for social and economic reforms by Cameroonians of that part of the country.

The secessionists sponsored by a handful of political adventurers have been carrying out terrorists activities, destroying the economic and social fabric of a peace loving citizenry. Wanton killings, kidnappings and destruction of property have been the stock-in-trade of these armed robbers terrorising entire villages and towns in that part of the Country.

The entrepreneurs of war will in this new mandate, more than ever before, face the rigour of the law and the added determination of the nation’s Defence Forces. In response to the frustration and complains from that part of the country, the Head of State assured the acceleration of the decentralisation that is ongoing and the effective implementation of bilingualism and multiculturalism. The end results of all being the protection of the values of Peace,

Stability and Security in the triangle. By meticulously building structures of good governance and political pluralism, Cameroon is moving forward on the path of democracy without rocking the collective boat. No one can sink someone’s end of the boat and keep his own. The future of a Cameroon one and indivisible remains pegged on the collect...



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