FENAC : Make It A Periodic Affair

The beliefs, customs, arts, way of life, thinking or behaving that thread in a community, place or organisation constitute the whole package that make up the culture of a people.


It is popularly known to be their real identity. No society considers itself complete without its culture. And as nature would have it, all societies are proud of theirs and consistently work towards preserving them. In popular World events such as the Olympic Games and World Cup competitions, participating nations are usually identified through their cultures. Cameroon in the last FIFA World Cup final in Rio de Janeiro became a point of attraction not only because of its performance in the competition but particularly because of its unique traditional outfit.

The decision by the Head of State through a Presidential Decree of 1991 to institute the National Festival of Arts and Culture (FENAC) does not only immortalise the country’s culture but renders it a veritable instrument of development. Cameroon’s cultural diversity remains an important source of income. Many Cameroonians are quite aware of this but the most disturbing thing is the laxity with which this powerful resource is considered.

FENAC offers the opportunity to display the various aspects of the country’s culture and has often been a point of attraction not only to Cameroonians but equally to many other foreigners. It is an important tourist attraction. The cultural and artistic jamboree that officially opened in Yaounde yesterday is in its eighth edition.  Artists, musicians, traditional groups, cinematographers, dramatists, and many dance groups from the ten Regions of the country...



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