The Red Cross Carries Information Campaign

The awareness day took place last Friday, March 20, 2020 at the Mokolo market in Yaounde.

"Always wash your hands with runing water and soap," "Cough or sneeze on the crease of your elbow or in a handkerchief," "Avoid being in contact with people of less than one meter". "In case of contamination, call 1510 for practical measures." These were particularly the pieces of advice from Red Cross volunteers and Unicef members who were out to accompany the population in creating awareness on this pandemic and give preventive measures to fight against Covid-19.
In the presence of the Divisional Officer of Yaounde II, Mamadi Mahamat and in partnership with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the Ministry of Public Health, the International Red Cross Committee has therefore launched the project, which has the main mission of informing the population about this pandemic which has so far recorded several victims worldwide and many confirmed cases in Cameroon. In this same way, the representative of the Minister of Public Health, Dr Fanne Mahamat recalled some rules and hygiene measures to adopt daily. "Let's avoid grouping of more than 50 people in all public places. Wash your hands before meals and after you get out of the shower. In the public squares, we w...



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