Slight Drop In Customs Revenue

The 22nd evaluation of customs performance held in Douala December 16, 2016.


Customs 2016 revenue is said to have witnessed a slight drop from that of 2015. Without stating figures, the General Manager of Cameroon Customs, Edwin Fongod Nuvaga, explained the drop to on-going Economic Partnership Agreement, EPA, which has just gone underway and the putting in place of fiscal reforms by the Customs Department which has affected import and export. From every indication, the situation will soon be normal and improvements made as collaboration with companies keeps improving also with implementation of measures to better enjoy EPA with the European Union.

“We have noticed that things have gone well at our operational level and also with our partners. I expressed satisfaction with the level of collaboration and partnership between companies and the Customs Department, the strengthening of public-private dialogue, commitment to good practices, good governance in the customs sector, reduction of cost and duration of goods at the port,” he no...



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