Ending Violence And Drug Use In Schools : Educationists Propose Solutions
- 21 mai 2021 18:49
This followed a two-day consultative workshop in Buea that brought together all the ten Regional Delegates of Secondary Education.
Secondary education officers have not been indifferent to the recent wave of violence in secondary school milieu that rocked Cameroon. The case of Njomi Tchakounte, a mathematics teacher, stabbed to death by his Form 3 student in Government High School Nkolbisson, in Yaounde on January 14, 2020 has caused teachers to feel unsafe in their work places.
In an unannounced search at GBHS Nkol-Eton in Yaounde in February, students were seen with knives, machetes, razor blades, nails and cannabis in their bags. When asked what the weaponry were meant for, they replied that they were to retaliate against their counterparts of Charles Atangana Government Technical High School, a neigbouring school to GBHS Nkol-Eton. The case of sexual videos that emerged from Lycée Kribi and countless acts of violence and drug consumptions in schools necessitated the consultative workshop in Buea that assembled all 10 Regional Delegates of Secondary Education, some principals, students and traditional rulers. For two days (May 11 and 12, 2021), various resource persons took turns with presentations on the prevailing situation of violence and drug consumption, what should be done with defaulters etc. South West Governor, Okalia Bilai, did a presentation on the role of administrative authorities, the Police explained how they fight against such scourge. Dr. Joan Wacka who is an ICT experts showed how ICT has influenced violence and drug consumption in schools among other speakers. Two female students gave tear-provoking testimonies of h...
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