Sangmelima-Mekok-Bikoula Road: Public Works Minister Decries Slow Execution

The company has been tasked to unroll its work plan ahead of the selection of a subcontractor to speed up work.


Work on the 65-km Sangmelima-Mekok-Bikoula Road in the South Region is progressing at a snail-pace, with accusing fingers pointing at the construction company, Kayson INC for its inability to fully mobilize resources for the field work. The execution rate is evaluated at 35 per cent, whereas it ought to have been competed by now. The Minister of Public Works, Emmanuel Nganou Njoumessi, at a meeting on August 11, 2016 with stakeholders, insisted that the executing company must detail its plan of work to enable subcontracting company to finalise work on the road.

A subcontracting company is yet to be selected, but Public Minister recommends continuous discussions with companies for an elaborate contractual work term. The subcontractor is expected to continue from the PK 45 to PK 20 areas to complete the section. The Divisional Officer for the Dja and Lobo has been notified on the dispatch of the report of the Divisional Commission in charge of Compensating the Affected.

Mengong-Sangmelima Section Advancing  

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