Fan Zone : Town Of Garoua Activated

The arrival of all the four teams has ignited soccer fever among supporters.

The last 48 hours would ever stay in the memories of inhabitants of the north regional capital, Garoua. Since the arrival of the Super Eagles of Nigeria, the African Wild Dogs of Guinea Bissau, Sudan's Nile Crocodiles and the Pharaohs of Egypt, soccer debate has taken a different twist. Be it in restaurants, barbing saloons or markets, most soccer lovers are gradually making up their minds. With the four teams already in town enjoying a football friendly climate, the population of the North Region as well as those from neighbouring regions are waxing strong for the soccer jamboree. Each passing day, the number of people on the streets has kept increasing with security signals of escorts also indicating the arrival of more CAF officials in town.  
Even though the Nigerian community is one of the largest in Garoua, not all are ready to throw their weight behind the Super Eagles. Some Nigerians have decided to support individual talents and not nations especially with the absence of some of their key players like Odion Ighalo and Wildred Ndidi. Reasons why, some have expressed their support for Egypt because of skipper Mohamed Sa...



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