Lime At 75,000 FCFA Per Sack

The fruit is so scarce that only very small sizes (FCFA 50 each) are available on the market.

It is another difficult moment for both traders and consumers of limes given the scarcity that comes with a supper hike in prices. A 50 kilogramme sac that sold at FCFA 30,000 two months back now sells at FCFA 75,000. Though it is pretty difficult to come across limes in some markets, when available, are very small in size.

What is sold now according to Véronique M, a limes trader in the Sandaga market, were classified under waste during the season of plenty. Limes sold during this period are not only very tiny, but equally have little or no juice.

From Véronique’s explanation, though it is off season, it has gone beyond the ordinary. “The production basin in Edea now sends us the smallest of limes compared to the same period last year. According to them, the scarcity is blamed on the scorching sun that tormented fruit trees l...



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