End-of-Course Exams : MPs Edified On Distinction Criteria

Secondary Education Minister was at the National Assembly on April 1, 2022 to explain mechanisms related to the classification of schools with respect to official exams.

The Minister of Secondary Education, Prof. Nalova Lyonga, has provided clarifications on modalities used for the classification of schools after end-of-course exams and the selection criteria for athletes to compete in FENASCO A national finals. She was responding to the preoccupation of Hon. Petrus Mbede, who in his observation thought classifying academic institutions based on performance is unfair given environmental differences. 
In her response, the Minister said national official exams are very important because they are not only based on the validation of knowledge acquisition by learners but also on the evaluation of the quality of the educational system of a country through concrete measurable instruments. The ranking, she added, also creates a healthy environment amongst schools. “In effect, the results gotten from official exams can be used to obtain information on the efficacy of our educational system. It also gives a clue which helps to know why some students obtain better results than others, choosing worthwhile careers and having a better professional orientation,” he explained. Minister Nalova added that the classification mechanism constitutes a means in evaluating the level of implementation of school programmes and encouraging action against learning gaps to ensure quality education for all young Cameroonians as set out in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) number for four. 
On the selection of athletes for the National Federation of School Games (FENASCO), which Hon. Petrus Mbede thinks choosing from one school bars other youths from socialising and reducing the number of players for detected talents, the Minister cited existing legal dispositi...



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