Child Health : Parents Share Experiences with Cerebral Palsy

The public is called upon to not stigmatise but to pay a loving attention to victims.

Cerebral palsy is a disorder that is as disturbing as malaria. But because it is not yet considered a public health concern, many families living with such children are abandoned to shoulder the burden. Parents with children of cerebral palsy gathered on the umbrella of the association “J'aime Mon BB IMC” (or "I Love My Baby with Cerebral Palsy") shared their experiences and testimonies living with them. This was during a talk that held at the Restaurant El Royale in Bonamoussadi on Saturday, April 23, 2022.
Facilitated by Stephan Sewa, man midwife, the public called upon to ensure that their children are properly followed up medically after birth. According to Aristide Mbongue, President of J'aime Mon BB IMC, health authorities need to step up efforts to update medical workers on skills to operate modern technology. He recounted a situation whereby one of the twin children his wife delivered of died three weeks after because a medical staff in question was unable to operate the machine wherein the child was lying. 
According to Cecile Engome, people asked her throw the child away, saying that the child was a snake. Other said it was some form of animal that has come in the form of a human baby. It was on this note that President of the association condemned the stigmatisation of such children, but encourage more love and attention on them. With proper care victims often become better.
Cerebral palsy is caused by abnormal brain development or damage to the developing brain. This usually happens before a child is born, but it can occur at birth or in early infancy. In many cases, the cause isn't known. Many factors can lead to problems with brain developm...



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