Preaching the Gospel: Christian University Churns out 58
- 27 sept. 2022 12:59
They have been called upon to win more souls for Christ
S ome men and women of God have graduated from the Lifestyle International Christian University LICU in Douala. The graduation ceremony that took place on Saturday, September 17 was a veritable moment for the new graduates to pledge their commitment to winning more souls for Christ. The graduates who backed different degrees and PhDs in theology, pastoral ministry, and Christian ministry, just to name a few, are out at a time when the world has been plunged in evil with so many people rushing for the prosperity gospel. During the graduation ceremony at the Full Gospel Mission Assembly in Kotto- Douala, the chief celebrant and Executive Director of LICU Italy Apostle Benjamin Asare called on the new graduates to be good ambassadors of Christ. In his homily drawn from the book of Mathew chapter 7: 24-27, Apostle Benjamin Asare called on Christians to build their lives on the word of God which is the rock and the weapon of the Christian against the satanic world. He called on Christians to be wise builders in God’s vineyard while cautioning them to build on Christ the solid foundation. Quoting the bible he said: “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock”. For the executive director ...
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