Local Administration : NASLA Attracts Candidates
- By Eulalia AMABO
- 26 oct. 2022 11:44
A total of 9,352 applications were received for some 500 places available in the upcoming competitive entrance exams.
An overwhelming number of application files have been received at the National School of Local Administration (NASLA) for recruitment into Cycles A, B and C of the institution. After the deadline, a total of 9,352 files were deposited for 500 places announced. The Minister of Decentralisation and Local Development, Georges Elanga Obam on August 3, 2022 signed three ministerial orders on the launch to recruit trainees (both internal and external) into the institution for the 2022/2023 academic year. The first order announced the desire to recruit 200 trainees into Cycle “A” of NASLA. Subdivided into two main fields of study, that is Administration and Management of Social Policies, and Economic and Management of Local Finances, 180 external candidates will be recruited and 20 internal candidates in each of the aforementioned disciplines. According to the second ministerial order, some 220 places are expected to be filled in the Cycle “B” of the institution and 80 for Cycle “C”. That makes the total number of candidates that will be recruited after the competitive entrance examination 500. The number of application files received testifies to the interest persons have in local administration, confidence in the institution and the desire to get employed.
The attractiveness in the training programmes as well as their adaptability to local administration realities account for the high interest by candidates. The courses are structured around three cycles (A, B and C) and two main areas of specialisation offered by NASLA, namely: "Administration and Management of Social Policies", and "Economics and Management of Local Finances". Training programmes therefore focus on the development of various skills in the trainee, mainly those related to the core missions of Regional Councils, which is the promotion of the social and ec...
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