Ndogbong : Attempted Rape On Late Brother’s Wife

Mama Josiane K., aged 75, popularly known as “Grand-mère”, who lost her husband 22 years ago, has been living with his brother-in-law Guillaume K. aged 60 and his wife for the past 15 years.

As the story goes, when Mama Josiane K. lost the husband, the family decided that Guillaume K. and his wife should come and live with her, since the house was very big for her alone. In effect, Guillaume moved in with his family, and life has been good until five years ago, when Guillaume’s wife abandoned him due to his reckless lifestyle. The wife left leaving behind three kids that Mama Josiane K. has been raising, as Guillaume K. was hardly at home. “At times he goes and stays for more than four months without leaving a dime for the children to eat”, Mama Josiane recounted.
On that faithful Sunday morning the 29 January around 3am, Guillaume K. returned from his habitual drinking spree. He dashed straight into Mama Josiane’s room and tried to rape her. She struggled to scream, which alerted the children. The children rushed to find their father on top of their “Grand-mère”. They shouted a...



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