Cocoa Production : Farmers Rewarded With Bonus

Some 8500 of them have received FCFA 750 Million across the Centre, South West and Littoral Regions.

Cocoa farmers in Fako, Meme, Upper Sanaga, Sanaga Maritime, Mbam and Inoubou, Mbam and Kim, Nyong and Kelle, Nyong and Mfoumou, Mefou and Afamba, Lekie and Nkam Divisions have been appreciated for their quality of cocoa. Agroproduce Management Service Ltd, that bought 14500 tons of cocoa from them in the 2022/2023 cocoa session has paid FCFA 750 million to 8500 farmers as bonuses. A kilogram of cocoa was rewarded at FCFA 45. Disbursement of the funds started on May 10, 2023 in over 500 localities in above administrative divisions. 
Sammy Awantoh Titah who owns a 10 hectares cocoa farm in Mbalangi near Kumba sold five tons of cocoa beans to AMS. He planned to use part of his premium as input in his farm and the rest to sustain his family. He said the premiums are God-sent to them cocoa farmers. Tandu Mary still from Mbalangi said she will use her own bonus, FCFA 39 000, to buy chemicals. She had sold approximately 300 kilogram of beans. 
Etake Divine, AMS Country Manager, said apart from the bonuses, they moved into the field and sensitised cocoa farmers. They train the cocoa farmers on good environmental practices, agricultural practices, good social practices and business practices. The farmers are followed up to see that what t...



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