Teachers’ Demands : Progress Made In Implementing Measures
- By Eulalia AMABO
- 29 sept. 2023 11:03
A joint press conference held yesterday September 28 where concerned ministers also assured the trade unionists of other measures underway.
Teachers and trade unionist in the sector on Feburary 2022 launched a strike action which lasted several weeks, disrupting smooth learning. In the face of the situation, the Head of State prescribed a number of measures to be implemented in view pf improving the living and working conditions of teachers in Cameroon. Government through a joint press conference held on September 28, 2023 which brought together seven cabinet Ministers, presented the state of advancement as concerns the putting in place of the required measures.
Basic Education
The Minister, Laurent Serge Etoundi Ngoa gave an overview of the situation of teachers in the nursery and primary schools in the country. He noted that since March 2022, when the instructions were given by the Head of State, they have reached all collaborators in the sector and every week, the state of application of measures is monitored. He noted that a mixed commission was immediately put in place and as at date, all complete files have been treated and their payments regularised at the Ministry of Finance. Going into details, the Minister revealed that 6,804 files were treated in 2020, 13,878 in 2021, 27,624 in 2022 and already 33002 in 2023 when the year is still to come to an end. To the trade unionists, Laurent Serge Etoundi Ngoa said their demands have not been neglected. "We can have certain delays, but once the file is completed, it follows its course and all files are documented," he stated. The Minister concluded by reiterating that it is their wish to see a better educational sector in Cameroon.
Secondary Education
Regretting the sad situation in the South West Region which affected the effective resumption of schools in the region, Nalova Lyonga, Minister of Secondary Education said a progressive number of students is being recorded in schools nationwide as the days go by. She stated that they operate on two cardinal concepts; safe education and distance education. "We frown at teachers who are receiving salaries but not working," she said. According to her statistics, 21,102 secondary school teachers who were receiving two thirds of their salaries have received full payment, worth over FCFA 49 billion. The housing allowance of 9,925 teachers have been paid. As concerns advancement decisions, 69,463 have been validated, out of the over 70,000 earmarked for the first phase. She added that 3,701 files of family allowance have been treated and payment issued. The Secondary Education Minister also said the Prime Minister, Head of Government created an interministerial working group to accelerate the treatment of files towards solving the grievances of teachers.
Organising Competitive Entrance Examinations
The Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education, Jacques Fame Ndongo said they are systemically documenting the certificates and the recruitment process upon completion of studies. He explained that before now, they had to wait for the handing over of certificates to take place before the documentation process begins. “But now, once results are available at the different institutions of higher learning, the file is deposited at the centralised or decentralised level for the process to begin,” he stated. As per the planned national education forum whose objective is to resolve problems from the base, Jacques Fame Ndongo assured that it will hold. The Covid-19 pandemic unfortunately delayed some work and the findings/propositions from the field reached the Ministry in July 2023. A compendium of issues were noted and the Minister said a few working sessions will be held with trade unionists to revisit some of the reference points and adapt them to the current political, economic and socio-cultural context of the country.
Processing Of Files
The Minister of Public Service and Administrative Reforms, Joseph LE, noted that as per the measures prescribed that concern them, which amongst others included the rapid processing of files and the digitalisation of the integration process, he noted that all is on course. In synergy with the Ministry of Secondary Education, they rapidly treated some 51,000 files that were pending. He added that they are also providing digital equipment to their regional delegations to ensure the speedy treatment of files, that is from the Higher Teachers Training Colleges to the Ministry. Joseph LE further stated that in 2022, they put in place a rapid initiative and within 30 days, the files of 16,168 teachers were treated. According to him, they also created a platform for the verification of certificates. In the case where a file is incomplete, the Ministry contacts the applicant by email or text message. “You do not need to travel all the way to Yaounde to deposit your doc...
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