5th World Media Summit : Calls For Peace, Unity And Cooperation

The 5th World Media Summit, WMS 2023 closed its doors in Guangzhou, China after presentations and discussions that significantly portray a new step forward towards making our world a better place to live.

The event which brought together 450 delegates representing nearly 200 institutions included mainstream media outlets, political elite and heads of organisations from over 100 countries, Cameroon included. In respect of this year’s theme; “Boosting Global Confidence, Promoting Media Development,” experts, media professionals and academics delved into the challenges of sustaining these virtues through new technological changes with the media playing effectively the role of catalyst, educator, sensitizer and promoter of peace and development.
However, in spite of these changes in technological advances, our world is regrettably plagued by geopolitical conflicts, terrorism and devastating wars. Mainstream media outlets themselves are not spared; consequently, much has to be done to fight out fake news, biased coverages and lousy news analysis.


Man-centred Economy  
The first day of the summit, having been devoted to presentations with a focus on harmonious living and people-centred economies, Humanomics being the rationale of living to let others live, the second day in the panel discussions gave speakers opportunities to delve into the implications of boosting confidence, promoting media development, pioneering innovations with new media markets in the digital age, and seeking media cooperation world-wide in search for a better future.

Media Challenges
In response to the theme of the 5th Summit, its panel handled the challenges of global advancement with the media ensuring understanding through mass education and sensitization for peace, cooperation and development. In his presentation, Cameroon’s delegate to the summit noted that world peace is being threatened by geopolitical conflicts and devastating wars, media out lets in spite of new technological advances not spared. Many, if not most media outlets, are plagued by fake news and irresponsible journalism.

This, he regretted, stems from failure to respect journalism ethics, editorial policies and adherence to tools of the trade. Media mainstreams, he reiterated, should strive to promote development of its services, through the provision of adequate funds to encourage efficient and effective output by newsmen. The gathering, processing and dissemination of information demands adequate resources for the payment of workers and the provision of modern equipment for practice of the profession. Media personnel themselves, he stressed, have to be professionally mature to carry out their duties with the patriotism that prevents them from the temptation of fake news, hate language, biased news coverage and poor analysis of events. Newsmen also need to be free from corrupt practices which betray their role of watchdog of the society.




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