GCE Examination: Catch-up Classes Effective In Buea

 The Minister of Secondary Education who was in Buea for the FENASCO A Games visited some schools to see how the classes were going on.

The Ministerial Instructions to do catch-up classes for Anglophone Cameroon is being applied on the ground. The various Secondary schools in the South-west capital of Buea are receiving increased numbers of students, mainly those in examination classes. At the Government High School Buea Town visited yesterday morning, classes were on from form one to Upper sixth. 
 The principal of GHS Buda Town, Madame Enanga Sanga told Cameroon Tribune that 40% of her 1100 student population has come back to school. And to carry out the Minister's instructions for catch-up classes additional hours have been applied, making the school to run from 7:30 am to 5:30 p.m. Between 11:40 a.m. to 12:10 p.m., there is a 30 minutes break and between 2:40 to 3:00 pm there is another 20 minutes break. Forms one and two are programmed to study from 7:30 am to 4:40pm. Meanwhile, forms three to Upper sixth close at 5:30 pm. This new programme which started on the 13th March will go on till holidays, still to be proclaimed by the Minister.
At the level of registration for public exams, candidates who have not yet done so, are still being encouraged to do so up to the 15th of April. An extension authorised by the GCE Board for all the exams they run. The GHS Buea Town however suffered a drop in registration at the GCE 'A' Levels, from 82 candidates last year to 69. At the Ordinary level, the school also noticed a drop from 260 candidates last year, to 249 this year. There is still hope that with the extended period for registration, candidates will make it up!
Many schools like the GHS Buea Town have instituted Saturday classes from 7:30am to 1:00pm. The situation is similar in BGS Molyko, GHS Bokwaongo and other schools in Buea. At the GCE Board, an official contacted for registration statistics replie...



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