Head of State’s Donation of Terminals to Students: Procedures Are Being Clarified

Below is a press release from the Minister of Higher Education, Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee of the Management of the “E-National Higher Education Network” project.

“The Minister of Higher Education, Chancellor of Academic Orders, Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee of the Management of the “E-National Higher Education Network” project, presided over today, in the presence of the focal points of State Universities, in the conference room of his Ministerial department, an evaluation meeting of the process of effectively putting in place the donation of the Head of State of 500 000 terminals to all duly registered Cameroonian students in State Universities as well as in Private Higher Institutes of Education (PHIE) for the 2016/2017 academic year.
The “E-National Higher Education Network” project revolves around two major axes: the donation of 500 000 terminals to all duly registered students in the eight (8) State Universities and the 215 Private Higher Institutes of Education regularly accredited by the National Commission of Private Higher Education on the one hand and on the other hand, the construction of nine (9) Digital University Development Centres in each State University and the Cameroon-Congo Inter-State University (in Sangmalima) whose doors will open in the 2017/2018 academic year.
The funds of the “E-National Higher Education Network” project are about to be disbursed by the Chinese Counterpart (Exim Bank China) and put at the disposal of the Chinese Enterprise Sichuan Telecom Construction Engineering Co. Ltd. The rigorous and methodological production of the biometric lists of students, beneficiaries is on-going in all the Public and Private Higher Education Institutions of Cameroon.
The major item on the agenda of the meeting of April 12, 2017 concerned the situation of the production of the biometric list of eligible students in the program of the donation of terminals by the different Higher Education Institutions. The production of a National Biometric Data base of registered students by National Higher Education Institutions in the 2016/2017 academic year is an indispensable prerequisite for the harmonious execution of the donation of these terminals to students.
At the end of this meeting, it came out clearly that:
the Chinese counterpart, with the support of the Government, is satisfactorily working towards validating the totality of administrative, financial and technical prerequisites necessary for the harmonious execution of this delicate and complex activity.
The administrative and technical registration process of University students is being upgraded in a view of an evolution from the analogue operating to the biometric operating system prescribe by the Prime Minister, Head of Government, as the sine qua non condition for the distribution of terminals to students.
The following results came out of this meeting:
State Universities and PHIE have to follow, with more celerity and vigour, the biometric registration of students, according to the terms of reference of the Technical Working Group put up to this effect. The Minister of Higher Education congratulates the Universities that have already acquired digital tablets and produced a biometric data base. 
 Each Institution is called upon to publish, via every accessible means to its students, especially electronically, the list of eligible students to this program for the 2016/2017 academic year by Establishment, Cycle, Specialisation and Level.
Each Institution is called upon to publish, via every accessible means to its students, the list of unqualified students to this program for the 2016/2017 academic year and the reasons why they do not qualified.
Each Institution is called upon to transmit to MINESUP, after haven finished analysing complaints and issuing Student identity cards, the biometric data base of eligible students to the program in view of the establishment of a National Biometric Data Base of students for the 2016/2017 academic year.
Concrete measures shall be taken for the personal information of students in this National data Base to...



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