Gender Equality Statistics Evaluated

This was during a one-day workshop organised Tuesday April 2015 by the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and the Family


The Ministry of Women Empowerment and the Family in collaboration with some para-public institutions organised a one-day workshop to evaluate the number of women and men represented in both public and private institutions in Cameroon, and to encourage women in Organisations to go in for posts of responsibility without any fear and doubt of competence.  The workshop took place at the Women Empowerment Centre at the Nkoldongo neighbourhood in Yaounde on the 25 of April 2017. Opening the workshop, the Secretary General at the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and the Family, Moussa Aoudou , welcomed everyone present and appreciated the support made by  UNESCO for carrying out such a research for Gender Statistics in various public and para public institutions. Although updated statistics were yet to be published, he explained  that it is thanks to this project that women are gra...



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