Situation in the North West and South West Regions: Bishops Call For Schools Resumption

Below is a message of the Bishops of Cameroon concerning the Situation in the North West and South West Regions of Cameroon.

“To the People of God in Cameroon
To all persons of good will

"I, therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through ail and in all." (Eph 4:1-6)
1. Since independence, Cameroonians have been challenged to build a nation with intelligence and wisdom, inspired by their colonial and traditional heritages. This construction of the nation is not yet over. In this process, the nation has experienced ups and downs of all sorts.
2. Since October 2016, the North West and South West Regions have lived through a delicate situation which began with a strike initiated by lawyers, followed by another strike, in November 2016, begun by various teachers' unions. The consequences of these strikes have been the suspension of classes, violence of various forms, arrests, ghost towns, attacks on property, as well as on persons.  In short, these have led to a social crisis with a very negative impact on economic, educational and living conditions.
During the meeting of the Standing Committee of 6 December 2016 and during the 40th Seminar of the Bishops in Mamfe, in January 2017, we invited the various protagonists to a frank and honest dialogue.
The Bishops of the Ecclesiastical Province of Bamenda, on several occasions, also issued appeals, inviting all the parties to dialogue.
3. Gathered in Yaoundé during our 42nd Plenary Assembly, held from 23 to 29 April 2017, we, the Bishops of Cameroon, once again examined the situation of the social crisis prevailing in the North West and the South West Regions. This situation is becoming more and more worrying and damaging to the whole nation.
4. The Church, the family of God in Cameroon, journeys in solidarity with our brothers and sisters, our children, all our fellow citizens who are living through these difficult situations.
"Jesus Christ is our Reconciliation, our Justice and our Peace". We, the Bishops of Cameroon, have a duty to ensure the promotion of reconciliation, justice and peace for every person, throughout our nation, in  all its regions. The Church has always witnessed, with the courage of faith and a hope for a future which brings peace, in order to resist all sorts of threats to living together as a nation, by appealing to the people for peace and communion through dialogue and concertation.
5.  Aware of the rule of law and calling to mind how the State has always guaranteed the expression of the faith of believers and their contribution to nation-building, we have been keenly involved in promoting a search for solutions to the questions asked, and in seeking ways for a return to better days, since the beginning of the events which afflict the North West and South West Regions.
In the current situation, we, your Bishops, consider it morally necessary to pursue this commitment. We urge the parties concerned to continue dialogue and encourage the search for institutional and human solutions. We call on all our compatriots to continue together in building our nation and its unity.
In the meantime, it is essential that we continue the process of the total decentralization of our institutions “which aims at the promotion of development, democracy and good governance at the local level" (Law of 2004); and by so doing strengthen our unity in diversity, living together in our common heritage, dialoguing for the common good and for democracy.
6.  For this reason, dialogue is important and necessary.  It is the promotion of the heritage of the common social and ethical values in different social and cultural traditions in order that all citizens may participate in the consolidation of the common good, of justice and of peace.  It  is not limited only to what we have in common; but is geared towards the highest point of unity. To be effective, such a dialogue must be open, invigorated by a sincere respect for others and a spirit of reconciliation, fraternity and a readiness to compromise. A dialogue of this nature effectively permits us to overcome social crises, as well as help us to live together in solidarity and peace.
7. Such a dialogue concerns the State, in its institutional form, which embodies three powers: the Executive, the Judiciary and the Legislative.  It also concerns all intermediary bodies, political parties, trade unions, municipalities and civil society. The aim of a dialogue, organized in this manner, is to promote peace, justice, democracy and well­ being, as well as combats enmities, rivalries and conflicts. Furthermore, at all levels, it leads to the reconciliation of rights and duties; it helps to reconcile the memories of the nation and the vision for its future. In all, the rule of law should be esteemed as the most comprehensive institutional form for the planning and organization of the nation.
8. With regard to the problems relating to the present situation in the South West and North West regions, considering the evolution of the problems - beginning with a trade union problem, to a political, an administrative and now a constitutional problem - we must seek the best interests of the nation.  It is important for the good and stability of our country to respect the institutional subsidiarity and solidarity that affects every problem posed to its competent body, while taking into account the relevant opinions formally issued by private and legal persons. We recommend that each state agency, the intermediary bodies and the civil society should assume its responsibilities and act according to its legal competence! We recommend that institutional solutions be given to those problems which in reality affect the whole nation.
9.  Just as the social problems mentioned above are important and urgent, so also are the preservation of human relations and living together among citizens.  In the name of our common citizenship, brotherhood and our humanity, the defense of legitimate interests must go hand in hand with social harmony, which is what is being sought. Violence is not only damaging and destructive, it also radicalizes the parties and prevents the return of calm. Violence, regardless of its source, does not build; it destroys!
For this reason, we appeal that mistrusts, suspicions, civil disobedience, arbitrary arrests, intimidations of all kinds, pressures to gain one right or the other, obstructions and threats on public activities should cease.
In this light, therefore, we invite all the protagonists of this crisis to a true reconciliation of hearts.
10.On the question of education institutions, we, the Bishops, reaffirm that education is an integral part of the mission of the Church, as Mother and Educator.  We uphold the inalienable right to education for all human beings. We invite parents, therefore, to take responsibility for letting the children go to school in order to give them the chance to plan their future. We call on the State to guarantee the necessary security conditions for school activities and to take special...



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