2024 Mount Cameroon Race Of Hope : Sweet-Bitter Feast!

The event drew cheers from thousands of spectators thronging both sides of the race course but the announcement of the passing on of a Kenyan athlete thereafter turned the atmosphere.

The twist of events came with the news of the death of Kenyan athlete number 230, Charles Ken Kipsang Kipkorir. The 33-year-old holding passport number CK90207 who was at his fourth participation in Mount Cameroon Race of Hope died at the Buea Regional Hospital Annex shortly after the award of prizes to winners. South West Governor Bernard Okalia Bilai was at the Regional Hospital Annex and gathered that the athlete suffered a malaise during the race, recovered and continued the race at walking pace until finish-point.

Aside from the sad incident that fell like a hair in the soup of the 29th edition of Mount Cameroon Race of Hope, the event had generated a warm interest among runners and spectators and was highly animated. Race goers thronged the race path from Molyko to Upper Farms Prisons. Security was tight to protect the athletes following the threats by non-State armed groups.

Launching this year’s race at the Molyko Omnisports Stadium in Buea, Sports and Physical Education Minister, Narcisse Mouelle Kombi, said the race was opening the 2024 sporting activities after the 2023 exceptional season. National Athletics Federation President, Emmanuel Motombi Mbome, took the rostrum to thank Government under President Paul Biya for keeping the flames of sports without discrimination.
Animation was rife at the Molyko Omnisports Stadium beginning with the traditional blessing by the Buea traditional ruling class led by Chief Dr. Esuka Endeley who prayed the ancestors of the land to touch this year’s event with hospitality and peace.

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