Boxing: Arsène Fokou Honoured

The Minister of Sports and Physical Education received in audience the Super Heavyweight boxer yesterday September 6, 2017 in his cabinet.

The Minister of Sports and Physical Education, Bidoung Mkpatt, has announced that a special prize will be given to Arsène Fokou in recognition for his brilliant performance , at the just ended World Boxing Championship in Hamburg, Germany, in the days ahead. He made the announcement yesterday September 6, 2017 while receiving in audience the Super Heavyweight (+91kg) boxer in his cabinet.
Speaking at the occasion, Minister Bidoung Mkpatt on behalf of the Head of State, the Prime Minister Head of Government and the Cameroonian people congratulated the boxer for his effort in winning a medal at the world championship. He called on the boxer to persevere in his efforts, continue to work hard and that the Ministry of Sports and Physical Education will always be available to give him the necessary support. Minister Bidoung Mkpatt said that was just the beginning and expressed hope that more medals will be won by Cameroonian athletes.
Arsène Fokou has made a name in the history of amateur boxing. The African Super heavyweight champion reached the semi-finals stage of the tournament. He was beaten by Kazakhstan’s Kamshybek Kunkabaye and claimed bronze in his debut world championship competition. Fokou is the first Cameroonian boxer to win a medal in the World Championship. He is equally the first Central African to win a medal since the creation of the International Amateur Boxing Association (AIBA) World Boxing Championship in 1974. He is the first African to win a medal in the Super Heavyweight category and he is the only pugilist from the continent to have mounted the podium during the World Boxing Championship in Hamburg.

Arsène Fokou: "le travail que j'abats a porté ses fruits"

Médaillé de bronze aux Championnats du monde de boxe.

Dans quel état d’esprit êtes-vous quelques jours après votre médaille ?

C’est un réel plaisir, car le travail que j’abats chaque jour a porté ses fruits. Je dois encore travailler plus dur pour être parmi les meilleurs dans mon domaine. C’est ce qui me donne le moral nécessaire pour avancer. Je réalise un grand exploit car c’est un titre mondial. J’ai affronté les meilleurs dans mon domaine, je peux vous l’assurer. Et ce n’était pas facile. Une médaille de bronze au championnat du monde de boxe, ce n’est pas donné à n’importe qui. Je suis fière de ramener en ce jour cette médaille qui fait la fierté de mon pays et qui valorise ma discipline, la boxe.

Qu’est-ce qui vous a manqué en demi-finale ?

En demi-finale, je me suis dit que l’arbitrage n’a p...



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