North West: Governor Salutes Respecting Safety

Forces of Law and Order lauded for professional handling of October 1st street protests that led to some six deaths and four inmates killed in their attempt to escape Kumbo Prison


North West Governor, Adolphe Lele Lafrique has urged the population to remain confident and stand by the Head of State who is committed to go the extra mile in seeking lasting solutions to the Anglophone problem rocking the South West and North West regions.
Twenty four hours after the October 1st, 2017 street protests that threatened to jeopardize social peace in the North West region, the Governor has congratulated the population for respecting administrative recommendations that largely kept people and property safe. He told Cameroon Tribune on October 2, 2017 that casualties of the protests left some six people dead in Ndu, Oku, Ashong, Bambalang and Balikumbat following confrontations between the Forces of Law and Order and some armed persons who attempted to defy State authority, burnt and destroyed  public emblems. Elsewhere in Kumbo, the Governor revealed that some four inmates were shot after burning the Prison to facilitate their escape. The lot in casualties includes, the  burning of the car of the SDO of Boyo Division, attacks on some Gendarmerie Brigades and Police stations, injuries suffered by some four Gendarmes and four policemen, some protesters and the seizure of three guns ,some 18 motorcycles and some machetes by the Forces of Law and Order while some arrests were carried out and remanded in custody with Bamenda emerging without any death at press time.
 Meanwhile, usual business is expected to return to Bamenda and neighbourhoods today, October 3, 2017 after 72 hours ban during which Regional Ordinances an...



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