Buea Continues In Serenity

 Offices, shops and other businesses went operational yesterday in the South West Regional capital city


The day of yesterday ticked out in calmness, business activities and social interaction in the City of Buea. From Mile 17 (entry point) through the major agglomerations of Molyko, Bonduma, Great Soppo, Clerks Quarters and GRA, echoes of a life-beaming city could resound.
Government Offices in Buea were open as usual and no threats of agitation were felt. The Administrators continued their stock-taking of the tensions registered last Sunday. The forces of law and Order continued their landlord survey around the city and made infiltrations into the outskirts of the Regional capital, Buea. The periphery areas of Bolifamba, Bomaka, Wonya Mavio, Muea, Lysoka, Bokwai and Bokwaongo resumed activities since Monday though in speckled timidity.
Normal social activities resumed at the Mile 17 Bus Station yesterday wi...



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