South West : Elite Mobilised For Dialogue Crusade

They held a closed door conclave at the Regional Governor’s Office yesterday morning


The political elite of the South West met in the Regional Governor’s office in Buea yesterday from 10.30 am. The selective delegation was led by former Cameroon’s Premier and now Chair of the National Commission for the Promotion of Bilingualism and Multiculturalism, Peter Mafany Musonge, who is a son of the soil.
In attendance were South West Governor Bernard Okalia Bilai and his “etat major” amidst high ranking natives who are Ministers, political leaders, and other influential personalities of Lebialem, Manyu, Kupe Muanenguba, Meme, Ndian and Fako Divisions.
Although they held their meeting behind closed-doors with nothing filtering from their discussions, political pundits believe that the personalities seemingly charted ways for a full scale peace drive in the area following last September 22, 2017 and October 1, 2017 events in both Anglophone Regions of Cameroon.
Approached on coming out of the meeting by this reporter Mafany Musonge who is political leader of the Region refused to make any declaration. However, the magnitude of the personalities coming out of the Governor’s hall indicated that the days ahead were promising to be very busy in the region with intensified socio-political action and dialogue with the grassroots ...



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