Computers Distribution Continues In Other Universities

The Minister of Higher Education will be in the Universities of Buea, Douala, Dschang and Bamenda during the week.

The Minister of Higher Education, Chancellor of Academic Orders, informs the national and international public opinion that he shall continue with the distribution of the second consignment of computers offered by the President of the Republic, His Excellency Paul Biya, to Cameroon Higher Education students, in respect of the following calendar :
1. Wednesday February 14, 2018
• 10: 00 AM: University of Douala;
• 2:00 PM: University of Buea.
2. Friday February 16, 2018
• 10: 00 AM: University of Dschang;
• 2:00 PM: University of Bamenda.
It should be recalled that the first consignment of these computers were distributed to students of the University of Yaounde I and Yaounde II, respectively, on December 26 and 27, 2017.
After the manufacture of the third consignment, in Shenzen ...



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