Import-Export: “Green Circuit” Introduced For Trade Facilitation

The procedure allows clearance of goods without any immediate frontline customs control.

Government has introduced a new procedure that allows customs declarations to be authorized for payment without prior examination by the frontline officers.

A release from the Ministry of Finance indicated the new procedure dubbed “Green Circuit” is open to Cameroon-based businesses that have flawless financial, taxation, legal and customs records.

Before the introduction of this procedure, whenever a clearing agent made customs declarations, Frontline Examining Officers proceeded to verifying the declaration to ensure compliance before authorizing them for payment of applicable duties and taxes. Conversely, the “Green Circuit” eliminates these examinations.

Enterprises are now expected to simply make customs declaration and proceed with the payment of duties and taxes to the Customs Revenue Collector. The process of selecting declarations for the “Green Circuit” is managed by the Customs Risk Management System.

The Director General of Customs, Edwin Fongod Nuvaga, says the main reason for the introduction of this procedure is trade facilitation. “We work tirelessly to implement measures aimed at reducing the time and costs related to the clearance of goods. It also improves t...



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