Academics: Cameroon Army Gets First Professor

Lieutenant-Colonel Dr. Francis Ekosso, PhD celebrated his admission into the professorial rank on Friday December 14 in a ceremony presided at by the Secretary of State at the Ministry of Defence in charge of the National Gendarmerie.

Lieutenant-Colonel Dr. Francis Ekosso, PhD, is the first military officer within the Cameroonian army to be admitted to the rank and title of Professor in Cameroon. The Commander of the 10th Fire and Rescue Battalion Corps in Mimboman was admitted into the professorial rank on Friday December 14, 2018 in a ceremony presided at by the Secretary of State at the Ministry of Defence in charge of the National Gendarmerie, Galax Landry Etoga.

Lieutenant-Colonel Francis Ekosso was admitted Professor after concluding his post-doctoral research at the Copperstone International Forensic and Strategic Institute, Copperstone, University of Zambia. A presentation of the lone soldier Professor in Cameroon as at now by Prof Eustache Akono Atangane, Coordinator of the Faculty Annex of Political and Legal Sciences of the Yaounde University II, Sao in Ebolowa, reveals that he (Francis Ekosso) is an internationally recognised expert in Fire, Hazard and Disaster Management in highly complex global political and economic situations. The Lieutenant Colonel is a Certified Expert of the United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination Teams (UNDAC), Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and a member of the British firm BLAKE EMERGENCY, intervener and advisors of the Govern...



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