Obituary : Franklin Ndifor Passes On
- 18 mai 2020 11:00

The 2018 presidential candidate died at his residence in Bonaberi on Saturday May 16, at the age of 39.
Franklin Ndifor is no more. He died in the morning of Saturday May 16, 2020 at his residence in Bonaberi in the Douala IV Sub Division. The man of God, who is also the founder and general overseer of Kingship International Ministries, is said to have been sick for some weeks before his death. Report say in the early hours of Saturday morning, after discovering that his situation was not getting better, Franklin Ndifor called the Regional Delegate of Public Health to refer him to a medical doctor. The regional delegate is said to have sent a doctor to the residence of Franklin Ndifor, upon arrival the doctor found the man of God in a comma after which he died.
When his death was announced, family members and Christians of his church did not welcome the news. As such, they engaged in serious prayers with hopes that he might resurrect. They blocked access into the compound and those who could not make it inside camped outside and prayed earnestly.
Some of his followers at the scene said, he was on a retreat with God and will return, they pleaded that the corpse be allowed for 48 hours after which if he doesn’t resurrect then he can be buried. By then the forces of law and order were s...
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