Uplifting Olympic Values

The international community will commemorate the World Olympic Day today, June 23, 2020. A day set aside to magnify the virtues of Olympism.

The annual celebration of sport and Olympic values will bring together Olympians from around the world. Today’s celebrations will mark the end of weeklong activities to mark the day. It is equally the birthday of the creation of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) by Pierre Coubertin in 1894. This year, due to the Coronavirus pandemic the traditional sports activities as well as the Olympic walk that precede the day have all been suspended with sports officials highlighting the importance of Olympism. 
Throughout the Olympic Week, focus has been on sensitisation on the importance of Olympic values. Also, on the respect of preventive measures in the face the Coronavirus pandemic through means of massive communication. On the frontlines of the campaign were sports officials, sports icons and former athletes as well as those still in activity. Sports men and women sensitized fans on how t...



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