Creation Of Ad Hoc Technical Secretariat

Decision n° 01/CA/P of 23 December 2016 to set up the Technical Secretariat of the Ad Hoc Committee in charge of examining and proposing solutions to concerns relating to the functioning of the justice system.


Article1- The Technical Secretariat of the Ad Hoc Committee responsible for examining and proposing solutions to the concerns raised by English-speaking Lawyers, relating to the functioning of the Judiciary is, with effect from the date of signature of this Decision, set up as Follows:

Coordinator: Mr. Essombe Emile, Procureur General of the South-West Court of Appeal.


  • Mr. Tanyi Tiku Baye, Attaché at the Prime Minister’s Office;
  • Mrs Ngo Djang Edith Gisèle, Sub-Director for the Follow up of Law...



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