Patients Smile During End-of-year Feasts

Medical workers have been advised to learn to have a simple conscience, give a word of welcome and a healthy smile to all patients.



Putting a smile on someone else’s face is a challenge few would cherish. It may appear of no use among healthy people, but to the sick and weakly it is a priceless offer that quickens a sense of belonging. The gift of basic necessities to patients in the District Hospital in Deido December 30, helped in understanding the role of humanitarian organisations and associations to bring hope to the hopeless in society.

While offering assistance to the needy in the hospital, members of “Pourquoi Pas,” an NGO in partnership with the hospital and benevolent individuals, said the festive season would not serve a purpose if they were not ministered to as such. “Thank you. I am indeed blessed by your concern for us,” was the reaction of most patients to the gifts handed to them at their various wards by Rose Marie by a de...



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