“NASLA Is Called Upon To Empower The Staff Of Regions”

Tanyitiku Enohachuo Bayee, Director General of the National School of Local Administration.

What is the content of NASLA's training programmes for Regional Council staff?
Training programmes for Regional Council staff are part of the general framework of training curricula in areas of competence and specificities of the local administration that we developed in a participatory manner at the very beginning of our work.  These curricula are structured around the three cycles (A, B and C) and the two main specialisations offered by NASLA, namely:  "Administration and Management of Social Policies", and "Economics and Management of Local Finances". Our training programmes, therefore, focus on the development of various skills in the trainee, mainly those related to the core mission of regional councils, which is the promotion of the social and economic progress of the people, as stated in section 259 (2) of the General Code of RLAs. Thus, the training modules planned to be taught to future trainees from Regions include: the law of RLAs (Regions), development economy, local public finance, project management, local taxation, human resource management, design and evaluation of public policies, participatory democracy and citizen participation in municipal and regional action (one of the innovations of the code), etc. 

Since its creation, has NASLA already trained people to work in Regional Councils?
Overall, NASLA's mission is to train both elected officials and staff working in Councils and Regions. Specifically, with regard to regions, we have, in 2021, developed two training programmes for regional councillors, regional Secretaries-general and Treasurers, Regional Governors and officials of technical ministries involved in the transfer of powers to the regions, respectively entitled:  "Managing Regions", and "Supporting Regions". I would like to thank the French Cooperation and “Ecole Nationale d’administration” of Paris for their technical assistance in the development of these two programmes. Given the culturally diverse nature of our decentralisation, we have also produced, with the assistance of the British High Commission, a supplementary training programme entitled "Managing general- status and special-status regions ". These three regional training programmes will be launched soon.

Apart from training, does NASLA offer any other form of assistance to speed up the functioning of the Regions?
Yes, NASLA offers other forms of assistance through its Research and Documentation Centre. Indeed, in application of the provisions of article 5 (1) of the decree creating the institution, NASLA ensures research applied to the man...



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