Hors-jeu : circulation Plan For Douala

The Regional Delegate for National Security has revealed the itinerary for match days.

The population of Douala have been called upon to respect the circulation plan for the city on days that matches will be played. The circulation plan was made known by the Regional Delegate of National Security for the Littoral Region, Police Commissioner Raymond Essogo. In a press conference at the Regional Delegation of National Security on January 10, 2022, the Regional Delegate explained that circulation will be temporarily perturbed on the National Road number 3 only on days that matches are going on at the Japoma Stadium.
He insisted that roads will be blocked two hours before the start of the match and once the match begins the roads will be reopened and will only be blocked again 30 minutes to the end of the match. He said they were aware that Douala is the economic capital reasons why they have created deviations that people can use so as ensure the flow of economic activities. He added that there are six access roads which will be left open including Carrefour marché de fleurs, Nelson Mandela fly over, BIR junction, Ndopassi junctio...



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